
Altar Paraments Definition and Colors

Embellishments hanged on the walls of the church, adornments placed in the lecterns and in the altars, what are those? Those are paraments. Paraments are most commonly adorned in the...

Altar Paraments Definition and Colors

Embellishments hanged on the walls of the church, adornments placed in the lecterns and in...

Beautify One’s Church With Paraments Church Altars

Are you an active member of your Church who wants to help in improving your church’s physical look? There are just few steps to follow to start your aim in...

Beautify One’s Church With Paraments Church Altars

Are you an active member of your Church who wants to help in improving your...

Church Paraments and Banners: Perfect Adornments

Have you noticed that most of the churches these days make use of different church paraments and banners as ornaments and embellishments during the celebration of the Holy Mass? The...

Church Paraments and Banners: Perfect Adornments

Have you noticed that most of the churches these days make use of different church...