Collection: Church Supplies
Church Supplies
Visuals inspire us as they are so much more than just decorations. Not only do the colors of stoles and robes worn by priests, pastors, and clergy represent liturgical symbolism of changing seasons of the church year, our Paraments also serve as gentle reminders of the importance of church seasons and holidays.’s Communion Set and Paraments enable us to perceive the mystery of God, connecting the known with the unknown. When these beautiful church supplies are artfully displayed on the altar, lectern, communion table, or pulpit they act as a metaphor for articulating one’s faith. Churchgoer’s specializes in articulately crafted Communion Set and Paraments for the altar. Shades of green are often used during Ordinary Time because the color represents new life and growth or the hope of new life in the resurrection. Ordinary Time should not be overlooked as it is far from being ordinary. The color purple symbolizes suffering, pain, and therefore penitence and mourning. Purple is the liturgical color for Lent and can also be used for Advent. The color white represents purity, hope, and holiness. The beautiful and pure white sides can be used on festive days such as Easter, the 12 days of Christmas, and all high Holy Days. They may be used and put in place when officiating marriages, dedications, baptisms, and even funerals Masses. Black is used on Ash Wednesday and represents the color of ashes to which we will all return.