
In Preparation for Lent
This Lent, let us take time to reflect on the mystery of Christ's sacrifice. | Image source: imgkid Lent is an important event within the Church. We can all see why:...
In Preparation for Lent
This Lent, let us take time to reflect on the mystery of Christ's sacrifice. |...
Are Modern Spins in Church Vestments Appropriate?
The Second Vatican Council spelled deliberate change in a lot of aspects not only within the Roman Catholic Church, but also among some protestant denominations such as Anglican or Episcopalian Churches. It also affected much of...
Are Modern Spins in Church Vestments Appropriate?
The Second Vatican Council spelled deliberate change in a lot of aspects not only within the Roman Catholic...

St. Nicholas of Myra: The Story of the Real San...
St. Nicolas Saving Three Innocents from Death by Ilya Repin | Image source: Wikipedia We’ve all been wondering if whether or not a person known as Santa Claus even existed. Well,...
St. Nicholas of Myra: The Story of the Real San...
St. Nicolas Saving Three Innocents from Death by Ilya Repin | Image source: Wikipedia We’ve...

Mystical Voices: Byzantine Chants and Hymns
A lot of Christians in the west have grown used to hymns played and sung during Masses and other important events. But are we familiar with the Church music of the...
Mystical Voices: Byzantine Chants and Hymns
A lot of Christians in the west have grown used to hymns played and sung during...

Facts about the Orthodox Church in America
An Orthodox parish in America. Image source: Bridesmaid Dresses The Eastern Orthodox Church is not exactly a well-known Communion outside its boundaries in Eurasia and Eastern Europe. But some have...
Facts about the Orthodox Church in America
An Orthodox parish in America. Image source: Bridesmaid Dresses The Eastern Orthodox Church is not...

Little Known Facts about St. Francis of Assisi
St. Francis in prayer. Image source: The Famous People A few days from now will be the celebration of the stigmata of St. Francis of Assisi—who the namesake of the current Roman...
Little Known Facts about St. Francis of Assisi
St. Francis in prayer. Image source: The Famous People A few days from now will...

Church Architecture: Baroque Period
By the time the Renaissance had ended, the Catholic Church proposed a course of action. This action was the Counter-Reformation. It was to restore the faith of those shaken by...
Church Architecture: Baroque Period
By the time the Renaissance had ended, the Catholic Church proposed a course of action....

Church Architecture: Renaissance Period
From the towering spires of the Gothic era, church architecture shifted as society rediscovered various wonders of the ancient world. This was during the classical antiquity period. And the fact is, Italy did not...
Church Architecture: Renaissance Period
From the towering spires of the Gothic era, church architecture shifted as society rediscovered various wonders of the...

Church Architecture: Romanesque Era
As the late antiquity era was drawing to a close, so was the inevitable fall of the Western Roman Empire, whose capital was displaced from Rome to the Italian city...
Church Architecture: Romanesque Era
As the late antiquity era was drawing to a close, so was the inevitable fall...

Church Architecture: Byzantine Era
In the previous entry, we talked about Early Christian architecture. All that would be transformed during the rule of Emperor Justinian I in the 4th century, when the architectural style of various structures changed drastically—including...
Church Architecture: Byzantine Era
In the previous entry, we talked about Early Christian architecture. All that would be transformed during the...

Church Architecture: Early Christian Era
Throughout the course of history, the architectural style of Christian churches has changed drastically. From the humble beginnings of the movement to today’s development of Christianity, architecture has played a vital role...
Church Architecture: Early Christian Era
Throughout the course of history, the architectural style of Christian churches has changed drastically. From the humble...